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Crossing New Frontiers in
Disaster Preparedness

IN-PREP aims to prepare responders better – so more lives can be saved during natural disasters and crises. It will improve collaborative response planning. IN-PREP is trialling a new multi-agency training platform for civil protection agencies and first responders. It is an end-to-end mixed reality preparedness platform, and an interoperable system with dynamic scenario building. Agencies using IN-PREP will be able to plan, train and collaborate better than ever before.

What is In-Prep?

IN-PREP aims to improve collaborative response planning. Our project addresses the lack of training capabilities and insufficient links in transboundary crises management.


The IN-PREP system is a collaborative training platform made up of three elements

  1. A novel IT training platform called the Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform MRPP
  2. Training modules that test coordination between agencies and their plans
  3. A Crisis Management handbook which is cross organisational

Who is it for?

It’s for crisis practitioners and first responders from different agencies to train and plan collaboratively for future crisis events by

  • Sharing response planning across borders and agencies securely
  • Communicating relevant information in real time
  • Coordinating critical resources

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Training programme

The IN-PREP programme offers an opportunity for realistic training in joint operational situations. The IN-PREP system will be demonstrated and tested through 3 table top exercises [TTX], 3 demonstrations [demos] and an international workshop. The exercises and demos are designed to evaluate participant response readiness levels and train them to use the IN-PREP system.

The training programme enables joint operational training among a wide variety of civil protection and first responder agencies. It focuses on ensuring that everyone in the chain of command has a clear common operational picture. For example, the crew in the control room has situational awareness of what’s taking place in the field and at each level of the chain. They can then deploy responders on the ground to handle the crisis effectively.

Find more information about TTX and Demos here

Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform


IN-PREP Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform is a user-friendly IT training platform for collaborative response planning. Our platform enables interagency training for the entire chain of command.  In a training session, a simulated crisis is created and merged into the real world.


The MRPP provides an interactive visualisation of the crisis environment combining both simulated and real data. Features include:

  • Decision support capabilities with built-in situational awareness
  • Resource allocation in real time
  • Rapid remote sensing for quicker response actions
  • Large scale evacuation simulation
  • Coordinated C2/C3 systems
  • Vulnerability and Risk assessment

Watch how to build a scenario on the MRPP


The Technology Watch facilitates innovation take up during the project, driven through the user needs derived from our TTXs and Demos. Civil protection agencies hosting the exercises and demos will inform us what needs have emerged and we shall use it as an opportunity to incorporate new components or enhance existing technologies into the MRPP.

Literature Reviews and Interviews

To support the development of the MRPP in a way that realistically allows the system’s implementation and use, two literature reviews were conducted to understand the state of play in current crisis management. These were further validated by interviews with crisis practitioners. The first review was and it’s the analysis of success and failure factors in responding to transboundary crisis situations. Five tasks that are shared among all crisis management organisations such as firefighters, rescue services or the police were identified.

They encompass

• Situation Assessment
• Decision Making
• Command & Control
• Provision of Basic Infrastructure Services & Logistics
• Communication with the Public

Read the review
Deliverable D2.1 – Success and failure factors in responding to crises or blog Responding to transboundary crises: finding the gaps in existing crisis management systems


The second literature review built on the first. It revealed real needs in the organisational, policy and social sides of crisis management. Desktop research and interviews identified recommendations for system development based on organisational, policy, social, and human factors.

Read the review 
Deliverable D2.4 – Recommendations on relevant organisational policy social and human factors relevant for system developments

Recommendations have been reflected upon and funnelled into the Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform.


Crisis Management Handbook

The Crisis Management Handbook comes from research, workshops and interviews with crisis practitioners. The handbook is intended to be useful to civil protection agencies so that effective transboundary preparedness and response can be improved. The content of the IN-PREP Handbook begins with an overview of the current crisis management system in the EU – ‘what works, what doesn’t and why‘. Practical advice about different components of the Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform are explained with guidance on how to use the platform. Recommendations on contextual factors that affect successful implementation are included too. These would be factors such as organisational culture, policy, social and human factors, legal issues, data privacy and ethics. The handbook will be available online and translated into 6 different languages.


Deliverable D2.4 – Recommendations on relevant organisational policy social and human factors relevant for system developments

Deliverable 2.5 – Workshop proceedings

Deliverable 2.6 – User Requirements

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