Organisation type: Industry
Toulouse, France
Who they are
DIGINEXT SARL was created in 1996 and is a world leader in the field of simulation, training, mixed reality and situational awareness. They are ISO9001 certified and recognised for their capacity to innovate, invent and develop next generation products for critical mission planning, training and assistance. Their systems serve agencies such as NATO, ministries of defence in France, Sweden, Netherlands and the UK, Airbus, IBM, Alcatel Space and SNCF. The company is currently preparing the commercialisation of CRIMSON – Crisis Management Solutions.
How they are organised
DIGINEXT’s Simulation and Virtual Reality Division are industrial pioneers in the field. They have three divisions in these fields – Simulation and Virtual Reality systems; Geo-location and Navigation systems and Tactical data links and Critical Information Systems. Their organisation includes 70 PhDs and engineers specialised in interactive systems and are regularly represented in prestigious journals and conferences such as SIGGRAPGH, Eurographics and IEEE VR.
Their expertise
They provide world-class expertise in the following fields
- Situational Awareness & Common Operational Picture including 2D/3D cartography and geographic information systems
- Virtual augmented and mixed realities
- Live, virtual and constructive simulation
- Training and e-learning systems
- Serious games, interactive storytelling
Role in the project
DIGINEXT will participate in all 9 work packages beginning with the collection of end user needs. The data will feed into the development of the novel system in the Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform and visualisation of the Common Operational Picture. The ultimate purpose is the creation of an innovative common operational picture system that is integrated with the MRPP to support decision making. To this end DIGINEXT will lead on the MRPP preparedness layers, the IN-PREP Scenario Builder, live sessions and decision support, mixed reality creation tools, Integration of the Common Operational Picture and the system development and adaptation.