2nd TTX – Savona, Italy
On 17 June 2019, IN-PREP were pleased to host its second TTX in Savona, Italy. The 2nd TTX focused on issues concerning collaborative response training, particularly at a strategic multi-agency level and in a national and transboundary context.
The TTX was based on a complex civil defence scenario involving a land/sea emergency. Participants were drawn from across the civil protection and civil defence agencies, and were tasked with evaluating existing plans and testing new tools to enhance the efficiency of international cooperation in disaster management.
A workshop took place following the TTX, where participants evaluated and discussed the outcomes of the exercise.
Please find below images of the 2nd TTX in Savona, Italy
Press Coverage of 2nd TTX in Savona, Italy
Ministero dell’Interno, Test di difesa civile a Savona
L’informazione indipendente Agenparl, Test di difesa civile a Savona