TTX and demos are disaster preparedness activities that test hypothetical situations of disaster events and evaluate participants’ readiness to respond and their ability to work together.
The IN-PREP system will be demonstrated and tested through our training programme of 3 table top exercises [TTX], 3 demonstrations [demos] and an international workshop. The training programme offers an opportunity for realistic training in joint operational situations. The more realistic the scenario the better the opportunities are for learning and improving. The TTX and demos are specifically aimed at first responder and civil protection agencies seeking next generation, joint operational training.
Exercises in the project are designed to evaluate participant response readiness levels and train them to use the IN-PREP system. At each training session, participants’ feedback is used to improve the next iteration of the system so that a better prototype is used in each subsequent exercise or demo.

What is a TTX?
A table top exercise – the IN-PREP TTXs will take participants through the process of dealing with a simulated disaster scenario. Participants review and discuss the actions they would take in a particular emergency, testing their emergency plan in an informal, low-stress environment.
The IN-PREP TTXs involve a realistic scenario and a timeline. Participants provide solutions to problems as they arise and change. The controller monitors their response as new situations are injected creating unexpected challenges to the crisis.
Watch a clip of our first TTX or read a blog about it
What is a demo?
A demonstration involves full-scale deployment of all levels and ranks of participants from many agencies. It is high stress and labour intensive involving actors in realistic role play. It provides real-world conditions and role-playing for all participants. Interactions between functional elements are easily identified under demos. As much as possible scenarios will be based on data from previous incidents.
Evaluation and discussion
On both TTXs and demos the evaluation and discussion highlight improvements required on both the existing management plans, response readiness levels and the IN-PREP’s MRPP and system.
TTXs and demos are used to
- Clarify roles and responsibilities,
- Identify additional mitigation and preparedness needs
- Identify weak interactions between functional elements
- Improve emergency plans
- Improve the effectiveness of collaborative practice for unexpected situations
International Workshop
After the TTXs and demos, IN-PREP will organise an international workshop on Disaster Resilience and Preparedness to demonstrate the results of our project, the MRPP – its viability, and launch the Crisis Management Handbook.